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L&Dpro Expo

Expofestival for Learning & Development Professionals

05. November 2024


MTC WORLD OF FASHION, Taunusstraße, München, Deutschland

57 Days
23 Hours
10 Minutes
Secure your tickets now!

Reasons for Your Participation

There is little that is measurably more successful than the right trade fair in terms of customer acquisition. This measurable success for you as an exhibitor is important to us. At the same time, we want to create an attractive experience for trade visitors that offers you more than just a procurement decision for products and services.

Exciting content on the subject of further education, personnel and organisational development, the latest technological developments and services, the most innovative minds on the scene, learning from the best, networks, establishing contacts, exchange, product and service comparisons and getting to know the responsible people behind them – all this combined with entertaining elements awaits us at the L&Dpro Expo Festival in Munich. Let us celebrate the industry together!

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