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Lernvideos, aber richtig: Worauf es bei der Videoerstellung wirklich ankommt

Heutzutage werden Videos beim Lernen, in der Weiterbildung und für die Kommunikation vielerorts eingesetzt. Doch oft stellen sich Fragen, wie professionell diese Videos sein sollten, was die ideale Länge ist, welche Videoeffekte einen Unterschied machen und wie man Video allgemein einsetzen kann. Antworten auf die Fragen bietet dieser Vortrag, in welchem die Ergebnisse mehrerer Studien mit Tipps und Ideen für die eigenen Videoprojekte kombiniert werden.

Anton Bollen

German native Anton Bollen moved to the United States as a teenager and stayed to complete his higher education where he studied Sociology at Michigan State University. In 2003, Anton joined TechSmith as an Instructional Specialist where he focused on the creation and localization of training videos.

In 2010, he moved home to Germany to lead TechSmith’s growth in the German speaking markets and work closely with the European user base.
With more than 13 years of working with video and more than 800 videos under his belt, Anton has become an expert in the training and technical communications markets across Europe. He thrives on technical content that is engaging, visually appealing, and most importantly- effective.

In his free time, Anton enjoys the outdoors, brewing beer, Rubik’s cubes, and being a father.

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